My name is Biljana Kebakoska Dimitrijević. I was born in 1965 in Kruševac(Serbia). But when a difficult period began in my country, my family and I moved to the Czech Republic, and for the last twenty years I have been living in Prague.
I am not a chef. I´m a modern-day witch Cooking is magic, isn’t it? I am a fearless and creative cook. I invent, mix, make and serve ice-cream for everyone to enjoy. Being a chef is not just about preparing delicious foods. Cooking is the way we live, fragrances that we smell, the colours we prefer, making people happy. I love the variety in my life — my time and attention is evenly divided between family and food. I enjoy cooking, especially for my daughter Gala, aged 13. I enjoy teaching her, showing her new ingredients and she loves that I teach her.
My studies in world literature in Belgrade opened my mind to new ideas. Life is not an infinite, ungraspable canon of works. At the age of 40 I decided to devote myself to “something else”. From the world of literature, I jumped into the world of culinary art. Cooking is my passion. It´s not only my job today.
I have loved cooking all my life. My mother has taught me all I know about cooking. She is a believer in using what you already have in your kitchen and making recipes your own! Culinary culture is something learned from our childhood. It means to be open, accepting of others, and not just new flavors but also emotions. Our family always indulged in good food, a tradition that I continue to this day.
Culinary Arts means to cook simply, easily and playfully, and all with a sense of imagination. Using completely ordinary ingredients with recipes that are perfectly balanced and working sensitively with raw materials can conjure up the best ice cream.
Playing around with recipes in the kitchen happens at Angelato all the time. I like to try new things and I am not afraid to experiment, I´m always tasting what I add bit by bit. Ideas come by themselves, both in color and taste.
My culinary world is a set of moments and details. Cooking is like writing. You have a few words – ingredients and the art is to put them into unique stories. Cooking is like music. You have a few notes — ingredients and the art is to put them into a delicious symphony.
I prefer Mediterranean and traditional Balkan cuisines. It will make your mouth water. Brilliant mix of fresh vegetable, fruit and fish. Angelato chocolate sorbets do the same and much more.
I´m in love with literature and photography, art and design, anything related to creative and personal expression.
Eating is a very personal thing. Making love with food. Find food that loves you, and love it back.
In the picture is one of my favorite icecreams, which is very popular. Visitors come back for it again and again. This is the ice cream with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and nuts. Be sure to try!
27, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Tel: 224 235 123
This Italian ice cream of velvety texture and angelic taste will immediately invoke the feeling of happiness and satisfaction in you.
Every day we breathe into Angelato ice cream its enchanting smell and taste in the traditional Italian way and thanks to the carefully selected and manually processed ingredients from all around the world this wonderful ice cream will seduce you and tease you again and again.
We will gladly uncover the secret of the family recipe to you. It is simple: it involves quality, professionalism and imagination but mainly love. We still haven’t told you one important ingredient, and that is happiness. This we get from you when we see that our ice cream makes you smile.