Serhiy Shpyakin

Chef at Rokka

My life doesn’t resemble many of those “…and then I woke up famous” success stories. I wasn’t the top student in my class, nor was I the most diligent. I never dreamed of global fame or stardom. I didn’t inherit wealth, nor did I burn through sleepless nights surrounded by sudden strokes of luck. I cut, tore, got my hands dirty, broke things apart, and put them back together, and in the end, I gained more than just satisfaction from what I did. I earned the highest praise from myself, the joyful emotions of those who truly cared, and a unique experience worth more than any amount of money. I am Serhiy Shpyakin, the head chef of Rokka.

I love my mom. She was my first ally on this challenging culinary journey. She’s simply amazing. Just imagine an eight-year-old boy who decided to cook beef at home by himself. Not only did she buy the meat, but she also didn’t interfere with what I had planned. It was a colossal success! I seasoned the steak generously with spices and garlic, wrapped it up, vacuumed out the air with a cocktail straw, and submerged it in gently simmering water for a couple of hours. Everyone ate it with skepticism at first, then they couldn’t get enough of it. That’s when I got my first dose of motivation: “Go ahead, Serhiy, don’t be afraid, you’ve got this!” Of course, I had no idea, as a third-grader living in a typical apartment block, that I had just cooked beef using the sous vide technique.

Back then, I understood two important truths that continue to guide me in life. First, more than anything, I wanted to become a chef, to treat people to delicious food, and to invent new, even tastier, and more unique dishes that only I could create. Second, while theory and intuition are great for kitchen chats, to go further, I needed practical experience—and lots of it, all at once. That’s how I found myself at my first job in Kyiv, working at Arena City.

I learned a lot, tried a lot, and taught a lot. It’s good to have a strong foundation. Novelty is wonderful in its freshness, uniqueness, and spirit of freedom, but without the right skills and knowledge, it’s impossible to bring to life. That’s why I continue learning from the best, trying new things, and never hesitating to discard what doesn’t work.

You see, my favorite cuisine, Pan-Asian, is one huge experiment in itself. I’ve never encountered such combinations of flavors and aromatic compositions anywhere else. Perhaps that’s my Korean heritage speaking. Yes, I’m a cosmopolitan down to my cells. I love fiery soups, creamy aftertastes, and crispy crusts that hide spicy, juicy fillings. All of this comes from a childhood rich with flavor—not bland mashed potatoes or lumpy semolina. My mom often cooked Pan-Asian dishes expertly, and I fell in love with their taste back then.

Our childhood interests and thoughts give us the best start in life. It’s important to listen to yourself, recognize what drives you, and follow that path. Even now, I love sports and collecting antique coins and badges. And I’m not afraid of experiments. I know that my joy in life is richly seasoned with the happy faces of my guests, the sincere praise from my family, and my taste for life! And “Go ahead, Serhiy, don’t be afraid, you’ve got this!”


The stylish interior of Rokka highlights the refined Asian style of its dishes and genuinely reflects the restaurant’s philosophy. Rokka has always been and continues to be a place for relaxed conversations, ideal business meetings, and unforgettable romantic dates. The open kitchen, unique recipes, and consistently high-quality ingredients make Rokka a beloved and popular dining destination

4 Chernyakhovskoho Street,
Odesa, Ukraine, 65009

Tel.: +38 048-70-70-070