Viktor Prodanov

Chef at Grand Prix

There’s a tang of the sea, and the moon is high above the Langeron beach,

And chestnut trees whisper something to a sleepy boulevard (с)

I was born and grew up in the most magnificent city in the world, which I could have never left. And I’m happy about this. I’m Viktor Prodanov, Odessa resident by birth, professional navigator and chef at the restaurant with a European name. When I look back, I can see adventures, different events, loud parties and friendly holidays. I grew up in a big family. I’ve got two brothers and two sisters – and it’s almost a football team. But our mother managed to bring us up obedient and honest. Support and mutual trust are very important.

When I decided not to be a ship captain, not to waste my life to earn huge income spending half of the year at sea, my family was really surprised. But they didn’t condemn or reprimand me. They supported my decision. It was hard. It was reckless. But they are proud of me now. And I’m proud of my family in return. I was 7 when I cooked my first dish. I wanted to make a surprise and to try myself. I’ve got curiosity and passion in my blood. I cooked Kharcho soup then and can still remember that flavorous hot red mixture glowing in plates. I was triumphant.

And then like all Odessa boys I faced two paths: Stolyarsky Musical School or Maritime Academy. And I chose food technologies in a college instead. Then I got to army. I didn’t cook soups and porridges for battalions. But I didn’t give up my favourite activity either. Then my path led me to the sea somehow. New ships, new countries, new people, but that old familiar enjoyment of good food, its flavours and serving remained. However the time passed and I understood I could be better in this. That was how my ambitions got my feet literally back to the ground.

I haven’t noticed it at first, but half of my life is somehow related to creation of dishes. I like to treat people, to see and hear people talking about my culinary experiments. I like to teach and to learn myself. I’ve got many former assistants of mine who are in charge of kitchens of famous restaurants. I’m proud of and, of course, sincerely happy for them.

I’m glad there are passionate and reckless souls, brave minds and hard-working hands. Such combination makes a chef out of cook, and a masterpiece out of an ordinary dish.

24 Bunina Str., Odessa, Ukraine

tel.: +380 48 785 0701

fax: +380 48 785 0702


Grand Prix Restaurant will always meet you with comfort and graceful solemnity. Variety of tastes is emphasized with interior design. Large windows, comfortable sofas, soft light and snow-white textiles – all these details create a feeling of a European restaurant in the very heart of Odessa.

Muted motives of French songs, echoes of conversations, almost invisible, but extremely polite restaurant – Grand Prix became a favourite restaurant of many Odessa residents and guests.

Signature cuisine, great selection of wines and high spirits – this is what you can be always sure about in the restaurant!