If you want to win me over—bring me a steak. And preferably one made by Vladimir Arustamov.
You know, standing behind the camera and watching all this food being prepared is incredibly tough. You can probably see the way I gaze at it with pure admiration, as the dishes come together just a meter away from me. But now, at least, I know how to cook pork steak properly. Still, I patiently wait until the shoot is over before I literally run to taste it. And later, rewatching the finished videos, I recall the flavors and even regret not having taken bigger bites during the tasting.
This time, Vladimir and his sister Liana will show how to prepare grilled pork steak with fragrant apples. Then again, everything was fragrant—the steak, the apples…
Writing about steak while not being able to eat one right now feels like torture. So I’ll stop typing and go grab something to eat.
Now, here’s how to cook pork steak with fragrant apples: