Bean Salad Recipe

Bean Salad is excellent, full and good dish. You can use any beans – green or baked beans. If you use usual beans, do not forget to pre-soak it in cold water, it will significantly reduce the cooking time.

Beans itself is quite self-contained product, so it is possible to do all sorts of experiments!

It can be a light salad with vegetables, or something more valid, such as a salad with beans and meat or beans and ham.

Salad basically a very multifunctional dish. It can be like main dish as Smoked Chanterelle and Porchini Salad with Garlic Chips and Thyme Oil or a very light meal, like a salad with spinach and strawberries.

His recipe for bean salad shared with us Artak Sarkysyan, Chef from Armenia.

Bean Salad Recipe

Difficulty Level: Easy
Calories: 250
Best Season: Summer, Spring
Cooking Time: 180 min


  • Red Beans – 400 g
  • Onion – 250g
  • Olive oil – 20 ml
  • Coriander – 3 g
  • Pepper – 50 g
  • Walnut – 20 g


  1. Beans leave in water for 2 hours, then boil.
  2. Put in a sieve to pour water and stay beans to cool.
  3. Onions and peppers finely shall cut as strips.
  4. Cut the coriander and add to the beans, season with salt, black pepper and olive oil.
  5. Put in a bowl and decorate with chopped nuts.