Phyllo pastry is one of the most popular types of dough, from which you can cook different baking and desserts: strudels, cakes, pies.
Phyllo pastry has a minimal number of fat, and almost without any eggs. The layers of phyllo pastry before baking are coated with oil (vegetable or cream), and then you add different fillings- sharp, sweet, vegetable, meat – as the heart desires.
The combined shhets give you a feeling of puff-pastry, but, anyway, it lighter.
Phyllo pastry is very popular in Mediterranean cuisine. In the Greek language even has a word – phyllon, which means “sheet”. There the name – Phyllo pastry came from. In Greece, said that each family has its own secret of cooking the pastry, and you can’t find the same recipe. Another advantage of phyllo pastry is that it likes to be freezing. It can be prepared and stored in the refrigerator for 6 months.
If you think that the Phyllo pastry is very difficult to cook, do not worry, you can buy ready-made at the store and add a favorite filling, and cook the perfect dish.
Today we will prepare curd pie from phyllo pastry. This recipe shared with me Sergey Kutenkov, chef at Old Bus. For the filling, he chose the curd. Curd Pie (Milina) is a traditional dish, with the filling made of curd and greens.