Plăcintă is a special pie with cottage cheese, pimpkin, meat, potato, apples and other kinds of filling. Plăcintă looks like a flat cake, and it’s cooked from puff pastry or yeasted dough.
My grandma used to fry plăcintăs on a dry frying pan, and then brushed ready-made plăcintăs with butter. People cook like that in Bessarabia and it tastes gorgeous! Even now I remember delicious flavour of those flat pies that were burning my fingers when I grabbed them straight from a frying pan.
Moldavian chef Denys Brovchak cooks plăcintă in an absolutely different way, Denys’s recipe resembles culinary traditions of Moldova. He kneads yeasted dough for pies according to all rules, and the dough should “rest” well. Plăcintăs should be baked in the oven, not fried.
I adore pies with cottage cheese, bot salty and sweet, and I never get bored of this rich and tasty filling. It’s possible to play with the shades of taste and change it completely. So in Denys’s recipe salty cottage cheese, chopped greens and eggs match perfectly with light dough.