Boiled, baked and fried potatoes, french-fries and steamed potatoes – there dozens, if not hundreds of recipes of this vegetable known from the very childhood. For example, the most popular recipe of the project is potatoes baked with herbs or homemade salad with baked vegetables and slices of rye bread.
But new potatoes do not have so rich taste yet. It’s still so young. However, boiled potatoes are always a very good way out. Sounds boing? Okay, let’s add a little bit of madness. Let it be new potatoes in dancing salad swing with fresh smoked salmon. Sounds complicated? And who promised it would be easy?
This salad recipe is very simple and even sounds familiar. But you’ll start appreciating the flavour in the course of cooking it. Chef Alexei Shvets is even crazier than us. He ordered “Let’s smoke it”, and waved his hand. In fact, smoked apple-flavored salmon tastes hell delicious and looks gorgeous. And he was not waving his hand, but for sure he was using the Smoking Gun device.
Cook, smoke, eat!