Sea bass fish is also called a ‘wolf fish’. And branzino in Italy. It belongs to elite class of fish as there are almost no bones in it, and meat is so tender.
It’s also important that this sort of fish is low in calories, that’s the reason sea bass is so popular among people who keep to healthy diet and nutrition experts.
There are dozen of ways to cook sea bass. To fry, to boil, to stew, to grill or to simmer in oil. Most important is not to overroast a sea bass. To avoid it, experienced cooks advise rubbing fish with olive oil, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.
The most popular recipe to cook sea bass is to cook it in salt. And today we are going to cook this recipe.
We’ll bake a sea bass in spicy salt crust. It’s simple, we have to marinade the fish, cook a salt crust, bake the fish, take it out and voilà! We have our sea bass ready.